Austin was invited by the Maryland State Department of Education to tour his Senior Capstone production 'Other Side of the Wall' during the summer of 2017. This unique opportunity afforded him the chance to showcase his work, raise awareness about our organization, and help teachers understand how to successfully lead students in the arts. Austin had an opportunity to speak about his creative process and explain the important role his teacher played in helping him shape his vision. We are so proud of him and of this project.
End of Life Care for Children: Panel Chat
On March 2, 2017 OSOTW was invited to sit on a panel and share our experiences with medical providers at the PANDA Cubs training seminar hosted by Debbie LaFond of Children's National Health System. The program aims to assist providers in developing a better understanding of how their words and actions impact families and patients dealing with terminal diagnosis. The program is designed to help providers find effective ways to communicate with patients and their families when facing end of life care. Montgomery County Hospice provided a space for the event. It was a difficult conversation. As much as we loved our providers there were so many painful and challenging experiences we lived through. We hope by sharing we made a difference for others.
Walking the Red Carpet for Tracy's Kids
THANK YOU TRACY'S KIDS! We had the honor of attending Tracy's Kids Annual Fundraiser on February 13, 2017 in Washington, DC. They awarded their 12th Annual Courage Award to Second Lady Karen Pence, and Senator Clair McCaskill for their continued support of art therapy programs. We enjoyed great food, tasty drinks, and got to pick from a list of movies to enjoy. We have been on the receiving end of the amazing support system Tracy's Kids provides during treatment, and for the last 3 years have had the honor of being able to support their efforts.